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Zero Distance Video-Enabled Banking

Zero Distance Video-Enabled Banking

Specific customer pains and needs

Banks must decide whether they will be among the disruptors or if they will simply follow the leaders, while customers expect their financial services provider to be accessible online and to provide on-demand expert consultations in order to obtain a loan or an insurance policy, to invest or manage their portfolios.

  • We are living in a fast moving world where customers are less loyal and more demanding
  • Declining revenues and rising costs, put pressure on the profitability of many financial services companies today.
  • Non-traditional players are entering the industry with new ideas unburdened by legacy systems and increasingly disrupting and affect the traditional players profitability and market share (progressive disintermediation from new entrants like Google Wallet, PayPal);
  • Traditional branch-based distribution models are no longer sustainable and are unable to meet the rapidly evolving customer needs and requests for easy access and simplicity across their banking services;
  • Digital Transformation is using the power of digital technologies to reshape the business models around the customer and actual trends (digital transformation, cloud, mobility, IoT);
  • Digital Transformation create an unique customer experience through new combinations of information and digital technologies to create new revenue;
  • Banks are using digital technologies to enroll more customers, to sign more loans, more contracts while reducing the cost of back-office operations and stay ahead of competition;
  • DIGITAL & MOBILE BANKING - Capitalize on digital innovation to achieve growth and profitability.

Our solution

This is why we created StarCapture Anywhere. And we integrated with Microsoft Skype for Business for the best video experience for zero-distance video-enabled banking. A solution that would balance the need for cost-efficiency and higher utilization with the need for high-quality and personalized customer service would differentiate the financial services organization from competitors, decrease back-office operating costs and increase revenues and customer engagement.
  • It is now possible for financial services staff to offer real-time, efficient, personal and face-to-face banking services to all of its clients, regardless of the branch that they frequent, eliminating the need for time consuming branch visits
  • Clients no longer need to wait or stay blocked in traffic. Through web or mobile, a financial transaction can be obtained from home by accessing online services and having, at the same time, your personal consultant with face-to-face, human touch
  • Key experts from the bank are acting like personal consultants and are available via an audio and video-enabled session to meet and support their customers
  • Through the adoption of video-enabled banking, the experience would have to be as personal, private and professional as talking with an experienced consultant in person


  • Real-time, efficient, personal and face-to-face banking services to all clients;
  • Eliminate time consuming branch visits;
  • Sign more contracts and start your process with clean data;
  • Showcase your “premium” value and Increase sales force mobility;
  • Better Customer Engagement;
  • Face-to-face financial consultations via audio and video-enabled sessions;
  • Increased sales / customer satisfaction and loyalty / cross sales – Increase customer intimacy by personalized expert service offered at home; Expert consulting with face-to-face touch via video-enabled banking increase also cross sales of banking products;
  • Simple, fast, ready to be used from day one – ready-to go solution, with simple user interface for fast adoption, agile and flexible to accommodate specific customization.
  • Increase the company reputation in front of the customers.

Solutii de Succes construite cu Produse de Succes

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